If you do the repair work...
A) And you need a part...
Replacement parts are always sent out at no charge, as long as long as the chair is under warranty and you provide us with the following information:
- Client's Name
- Client's Phone Number
- Nature of the problem
- Model & Finish
- Serial Number
When your replacement parts arrive, the packing list will tell you if we want the old parts back. Otherwise, just throw them away.
B) And you make the service call...
Sitmatic will pay your company back for your time and expense in fixing chairs still under warranty. Our policy is actual and reasonable expenses (sorry, no lunch). All warranty claims for labor must receive prior written approval from Sitmatic customer service at (800)288-1492.
For us to pay your company, you must give us the following information:
- Client's Name
- Client's Phone Number
- Client's Address
- Serial Number
- Labor Time
- Base Labor Time
- Miles Driven
You may fax or email us this information or have your company bill us.
Your account will be credited immediately!